Our ways and approaches
From the very beginning of our company life we have been keeping to the highest level of professional skills and job quality so that our projects should meet the stringent requirement of the world market.
And for all these years we implemented several of very interesting projects with foreign partners and clients. During 1996 – 1998 years the share of the export brainwork in our job volume reached 95 - 98%%. Unfortunately the 1998 collapse of Russian economy put the end to the most of these fruitful ties. In fact we had to restart the company activity first in the Russian market and only now feel ready to come back to the world one.
We are coming back at the higher level since we lost nothing of the old rich experience but formed a new young, more advanced and diligent team.
The most distinctive of our features is the wide scope of the tasks we are capable to tackle and fulfill. Several of the typical ones are described below while the others are not so evident but nevertheless could be interesting for a foreign company aiming at the Russian market.
Good contacts in the very different spheres of science and industry, knowledge of the local ways can help our partner to pave the way to Russia.
System integration, computer networks and telecommunications
We have wide experience in the complex projects management dealing with computer and telecommunications systems design and construction. All the necessary Russian Federation state licenses are also available.
Being a chief contractor or a system integrator we take responsibility for all the sides of the project whether of technical or formal origin completely saving our client from the relevant problems.
We design the system and run its implementation presenting our client’s interests before all the third organizations and companies including both subcontractors and state control bodies.
We are completely independent from any vendors or providers which guarantees our client the optimal choice from the equipment and services available in the market. If necessary we run a tender to choose the proper vendors.
That’s the typical scheme which can be modified according to a client needs and preferences due to flexibility of our approach. So a client can use our services in the way convenient for him in a concrete project - as his representative, as an independent consultant with good knowledge of local problems and ways of their solution, as the project (design) developer and installation experts and so on.
We deal with a wide scope of the software jobs spreading from simple installation of the standard packets to development of complicated systems of ERP level for small and medium business companies. The software is based on the Russian flexible “1S: Enterprise” platform and being adapted to the local accounting system at the same time is an order less expensive than the world brands analogues.
In these projects we don’t just do straightforward programming but penetrate deeply into the essence and peculiarities of the enterprise technology, optimize the documents flow. That is our mission is in a way of business consulting nature.
Generic cabling systems
Our engineers have the certificates in accordance with European standards EN 50173, En 50098-1 and En 50098-2 for GCS installation.
On a client request we can certify our GCS for the twenty years guarantee supported by the equipment vendor AESP (USA). This however doesn’t exclude building systems from other respectable equipment vendors, simpler projects to enhance or improve the existing networks and the like. |